
Survivors' Club

Survivors' Club

The Survivors’ Club began as a multiple-class reunion and has grown into a group for all alumni who attended the old BC on Bull Street (1902-63) and alumni who have celebrated their 50th Reunion. This group meets for lunch on the third Monday of even months. More than 100 “BC Survivors” typically attend these luncheons. The club continues to honor its motto, “No dues, no speakers.”

    • Survivors' Club 2022

Executive Committee

Mike Carter ‘62
Herbie Griffin ‘38
Charlie Moore ‘55
Contact Mike Carter ’62 at for more information.
    • Benedictine Military School is a private, Catholic, college preparatory day school for boys in grades 9-12, located in Savannah, Georgia.

    • Benedictine Military School is a private, Catholic, college preparatory day school for boys in grades 9-12, located in Savannah, Georgia.

    • Benedictine Military School is a private, Catholic, college preparatory day school for boys in grades 9-12, located in Savannah, Georgia.